Here you can find the release notes for Jazva v162.
New Features and Enhancements:
Fixing an issue for shipping products that weigh less than 1 oz
- We have fixed an issue that would cancel shipping parcels when a package would weigh less than 1 oz. Because shipping carriers often require a package to weight at least 1 oz, we have updated our package weight rounding to update the weight to be 1 oz.
Two-way BigCommerce channel creation
- Jazva has been approved as an app on the BigCommerce App Marketplace. This means you you will now be able to create new BigCommerce channels either starting from BigCommerce or from Jazva.
Fixed package dimensions issue for Houzz
- Recently Houzz made an unannounced update to their API requiring package dimensions for listings. We have updated our Houzz integration to support sending the requested package dimensions.
Added feature to pause shipping rate calls when splitting parcels
- For clients who make many changes on Jazva's shipping page, the time needed to make these updates can take a long time as Jazva calls out to get updated rates after every change.
- To help speed up this process, Jazva has implemented a new Pause Shipping Rate option. When you are splitting parcels, you can click the "Pause Shipping Rates" button and Jazva will not make any shipping rate calls until you are finished updating your parcels. Once you have made all of your updates, you can click "Refresh Shipping Rates" to get new rates from your shipping carriers.
- To enable this setting, you can turn on the "Enable Pause Shipping Rates" option on the Global Settings > Shipping page.
Bug Fixes:
- Create the ability to use Channel specific price for Shopify
- Implement function to our templating system that allows us to do a replacement of html entities
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