Learn how to manage product and item bullet points in Jazva.
Jazva allows you to manage product and variation-level bullet points, if supported by the channel. Bullet points will appear on your listings, and may appear on different sections of the page depending on the marketplace.
When you open an existing product, you will see “Product Bullet Points” and “Item Bullet Points” on the Details page. You can save text information on either set.
Please note that Jazva can only import product-level bullet points at the moment. When using the product import wizard tool, the “item bullet point” will not show up for mapping.
Differences in Channels
Amazon supports both product and item-specific bullet points. This means that:
- Your product listing will use only the product bullet points. If there are no product bullet points in Jazva, all item bullets will be used instead.
- Your variation listing will use only the item bullet points. If there are no item bullet points in Jazva, the product bullet points will be used instead.
eBay and WooCommerce support only product-level bullet points. This means that:
- Your product and variation listings will use both product and item-level bullet points, and will appear in the same set.
- Product bullets will appear on top of the list, while any item bullet point will be pushed as a product bullet below the list.
Jet supports only item-level bullet points. This means that:
- Your product and variation listings will use both product and item-level bullet points, and will appear in the same set.
- Item bullets will appear on top of the list, while any product bullet point will be pushed as an item bullet below the list.
Walmart is set up differently and will ignore all product or item bullet points. Bullet points must be added in the “Walmart Key Features” description, which must be added to the system by following these steps:
- From the main menu, navigate to Lists and select Lookup Lists.
- Search for “productDescriptions” from the list and click view.
- From the Value;Label text box, add “features;Walmart Key Features” and click Update.
- Open an existing product.
- Switch to the Setup tab.
- Scroll down to your new product description, Walmart Key Features and add the desired bullet points.
Bullet Point Best Practices for Amazon and Jet
- There's a 5 bullet limit, so create five attributes in your inventory labeled Bullet Points 1 – 5.
- Each bullet has a 500 character limit, but most people skim through the text. Make sure each point is keyword-rich, descriptive and readable.
- Capitalize the first letter of each bullet point. No need to end each point with punctuation.
- Begin your points with the most important and eye-catching features. Try to use some keywords not mentioned in the product title.
- Focus on benefits instead of only describing the features.
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