101 |
GenericError |
{Error Message} |
102 |
InternalEndiciaError |
Internal Endicia Error: {Error Message} |
307 |
InvalidOriginZipCode |
Invalid origin ZIP Code. |
308 |
InvalidDestinationZipCode |
Invalid destination ZIP Code. |
404 |
MailClassNotSupported |
Mail class not supported ({Mail Class}). |
405 |
InvalidMailClass |
Invalid mail class ({Mail Class}). |
406 |
MailpieceWeightMustBePositive |
Mailpiece weight must be greater than zero. |
407 |
MailpieceWeightExceedsMaximum |
Weight ({Weight} ounces) exceeds maximum allowed for Mail Service ({Weight} ounces). |
409 |
InvalidMailpieceValue |
{Description} value is invalid. |
410 |
MailpieceValueMustBePositive |
{Description} value must be greater than $0.00. |
411 |
MailpieceValueExceedsMaximum |
Mailpiece value exceeds the {Amount} maximum allowed for {Insurance Type}. |
412 |
MailpieceShapeNotSupported |
Mailpiece shape not supported ({Mailpiece Shape}). |
413 |
InvalidMailpieceShape |
Invalid mailpiece shape ({Mailpiece Shape}). |
414 |
ServiceLevelNotSupported |
Service Level not supported ({Service Level}). |
415 |
InvalidServiceLevel |
Invalid Service Level ({Service Level}). |
416 |
SortTypeNotSupported |
Sort Type not supported ({Sort Type}). |
417 |
InvalidSortType |
Invalid Sort Type ({Sort Type}). |
418 |
PricingNotOffered |
{Pricing} pricing is not offered for {Mail Service}. |
420 |
MailServiceNotAvailableToCountry |
{Mail Service} is not available to {Country Name}. |
421 |
InvalidCountry |
{Country} is not a valid country. |
422 |
OnlinePostageNotAllowed |
Online postage is not allowed for {Mail Service} to {Country Name}. |
423 |
LimitedMailServiceToCountry |
{Mail Service} to {Country Name} is limited to {allowed mail service(s)}. |
430 |
MailpieceDimensionsMustBePositive |
Mailpiece length, width, and height must be greater than zero. |
431 |
MailpieceDimensionsRequired |
Mailpiece dimensions are required for {Mail Class}. |
434 |
LengthPlusGirthExceedsMaximum |
Mailpiece length plus girth of {Dimension}" exceeds maximum of {Dimension}" allowed by Mail Service. |
436 |
InvalidEntryFacility |
Invalid Entry Facility ({Entry Facility}). |
437 |
EntryFacilityDoesNotServiceDesination |
Entry Facility {Entry Facility} does not service destination ZIP code {ZIP code}. |
440 |
DeliveryConfirmationNotAvailable |
Delivery Confirmation is not available for {Description}. |
441 |
SignatureConfirmationNotAvailable |
Signature Confirmation is not available for {Description}. |
448 |
InsuranceNotAvailableToCountry |
{Insurance Type} is not available to {Country Name}. |
449 |
ExtraServiceNotAvailable |
{Extra Service} is not available for this mailpiece. |
501 |
NoCubicPostageCalculator |
Cubic postage calculator is not available for {Mail Class} {Pricing} pricing. |
502 |
CubicPricingNotOffered |
Cubic pricing is not offered for {Mail Class} {Pricing} pricing. |
503 |
MailpieceCubicVolumeMustBePositive |
Mailpiece cubic volume must be greater than zero. |
504 |
MailpieceCubicVolumeExceedsMaximum |
Cubic volume ({Volume} cu. ft.) exceeds maximum of {Volume} cu. ft. allowed for mail service. |
1001 |
MissingOrInvalidXMLElement |
Missing or invalid data element: {Element Name} |
1002 |
ElementNotAllowed |
Element not allowed: {Element Name} |
1011 |
InvalidTrackingNumber |
Service Type Code in Tracking Number must match Services requested for the package. |
1020 |
InvalidRecreditAmount |
RecreditAmount must be greater than zero and less than $100,000. |
1050 |
NoCustomsItems |
Customs Info does not contain any customs items. |
1051 |
InvalidCustomsItemData |
{Element Name} must be a positive numeric value {Amount} or less. |
1052 |
TotalCustomsValueMustBePositive |
Total customs value must be a positive numeric value 99999.99 or less. |
1053 |
ContentsWeightExceedsPackageWeight |
Total package weight must be equal to or greater than the sum of the item weights. |
1054 |
ExceedsItemLimitForCustomsForm |
{Form Type} is limited to only {n} items. |
1055 |
ExceedsValueLimitForCustomsForm |
Total customs value cannot exceed {Amount} for mailpiece using Customs Form {Form Type}. |
1059 |
InvalidMailClassForOD |
{Mail Class} is not a valid MailClass for open and distribute service. |
1061 |
NoServicesAllowedForOD |
No extra services are allowed with Open and Distribute service |
1062 |
IncorrectWeightForOD |
Enclosed mail cannot be placed directly in sacks and should be placed in tray(s), if package weight is less than 5lbs |
1064 |
ConflictingServices |
Conflicting services requested. |
1066 |
SelectedServicesDoNotApply |
Selected services {Service 1, Service 2,…} do not apply. |
1067 |
SignatureRequired |
Signature cannot be waived for Express Mail shipments when Adult Signature, COD, USPS insurance, or Hold For Pickup has been selected. |
1101 |
AccountNotAuthorizedForLabel |
Account #{Account Number} is not authorized for the requested label type. |
1103 |
MailpieceShapeNotSupportedForLiveAnimals |
USPS-provided packaging is not allowed when shipping live animals. |
1109 |
Endicia Pay-On-Use Returns service is not available for this USPS service combination. |
1501 |
ExceedsLimitForAddressLines |
Address lines exceed maximum allowed. |
1505 |
MailClassNotAllowedForLabel |
{Mail Class} is not allowed for label. |
2010 |
InvalidAccountStatus |
Account #{Account Number} has an invalid status. Please contact the Endicia Label Server Support Team. |
2011 |
AccountNeedsPassPhraseReset |
Account #{Account Number} requires a Pass Phrase reset. |
2012 |
AccountSuspendedBadLogins |
Account #{Account Number} has been suspended due to multiple login attempts with an incorrect Pass Phrase. Please contact Endicia customer support at (650) 321-2640 x130 or LabelServer@endicia.com. |
2013 |
AccountSuspendedForCause |
Account #{Account Number} has been suspended. Please contact Endicia customer support at (650) 321-2640 x130 or LabelServer@endicia.com. |
2014 |
AccountPendingClose |
Account #{Account Number} is scheduled to be closed. Please contact Endicia customer support at (650) 321-2640 x130 or LabelServer@endicia.com. |
2015 |
AccountIsClosed |
Account #{Account Number} is closed. Please contact Endicia customer support at (650) 321-2640 x130 or LabelServer@endicia.com. |
2020 |
AccountNotQualifiedForMailClass |
Account #{Account Number} is not qualified for {Mail Class}. |
2021 |
AccountNotQualifiedForFeature |
Account #{Account Number} is not qualified for {Feature Description}. |
3005 |
NameOrCompanyRequired |
{Sender’s |
3010 |
InsuredValueExceedsEndiciaMaximum |
Insured value exceeds the $10,000 maximum allowed by Endicia. |
3011 |
InsuredValueMustBePositive |
Insured value must be greater than $0.00. |
3020 |
FailedValidatingShipFromAddress |
Unable to validate Ship From address. |
3021 |
FailedValidatingShipToAddress |
Unable to validate Ship To address. |
3023 |
ExpressMailNotAvailableToDestination |
Express Mail Service is not available to the destination address. |
3024 |
ServiceNotAvailableToDestination |
One or more services are not available to the destination address. |
3025 |
CustomsFormNotAllowedForMailpiece |
Customs Form is not allowed for mailpiece. |
3027 |
ConsolidatorslabelsNotAllowed |
Requested Consolidator Label is invalid. |
4001 |
InvalidFieldInDialAZipResponse |
The {Field Name} field in Dial-A-ZIP response is invalid. |
11001 |
FailedRetrievingPICNumber |
Unable to retrieve PIC number: {Description} |
11002 |
PICNumberServiceError |
Error returned from PIC Number Service. |
11003 |
InvalidPICNumberReceived |
Invalid PIC number received: {Number} |
11101 |
FailedRetrievingExpressMailNumber |
Unable to retrieve Express Mail number: {Description} |
11102 |
ExpressMailAPIError |
Error returned from Express Mail API: {Description} |
11110 |
FailedRetrievingEMCommitments |
Unable to retrieve Express Mail Service Commitments: {Description} |
11111 |
NotEligibleForSundayHolidayDelivery |
Mailpiece not eligible for Express Mail Sunday/Holiday Delivery Service. |
11112 |
ServiceCommitmentsNotFound |
There were no Express Mail Service Commitments for the mailpiece. |
11113 |
ServiceCommitmentNotOnSundayHoliday |
Express Mail Sunday/Holiday Delivery Service not allowed: Service Commitment does not fall on a Sunday or a Holiday. |
11114 |
CannotMeetServiceCommitmentCutOffTime |
Ship time is past the latest cut-off time to meet Express Mail Service Commitment. |
11115 |
NoSundayHolidayDeliveryToDestination |
Express Mail Sunday/Holiday Delivery Service is not available to ZIP Code {Zip Code}. |
11204 |
FailedRetrievingConfirmCode |
Unable to retrieve IMb confirmation code: {Description} |
11301 |
FailedRetrievingLabelNumber |
Unable to retrieve {Mail Class/Extra Service} number: {Description} |
11302 |
LabelNumberServiceError |
Error returned from Label Number Service: {Description} |
11303 |
NoLabelNumberReceived |
Label Number Service did not return a label number. |
11304 |
InvalidLabelNumberReceived |
Invalid label number received from Label Number Service: {Label Number} |
11401 |
FailedRetrievingBarcodeNumber |
Unable to retrieve {Description} barcode number. |
11402 |
InternationalLabelAPIError |
Error returned from International Label API: {Description} |
11403 |
CustomsFormsAPIError |
Error returned from Customs Forms API: {Description} |
11451 |
FailedRetrievingAccountInformation |
Unable to retrieve information for account #{Account Number}: {Description} |
11452 |
AccountInformationServiceError |
Error returned from Account Information Service for account #{Account Number}: {Description} |
11453 |
InvalidValueinAccountInformation |
Invalid {Value Name} value received for account #{Account Number}. |
11501 |
FailedValidatingAddress |
Unable to validate address: {Description} |
11502 |
NonDeliverableAddress |
The address is not a deliverable location according to the US Postal Service. |
11503 |
UnknownDialAZipReturnCode |
Dial-A-ZIP Server ({Server Name}) has returned an unknown return code of {value}. |
11611 |
DialAZipInvalidZipCode |
Dial-A-ZIP error: Invalid ZIP Code |
11612 |
DialAZipInvalidStateCode |
Dial-A-ZIP error: Invalid state code. |
11613 |
DialAZipInvalidCity |
Dial-A-ZIP error: Invalid city. |
11621 |
DialAZipAddressNotFound |
Dial-A-ZIP error: Address not found. |
11622 |
DialAZipMultipleMatchesTooAmbiguious |
Dial-A-ZIP error: Address is too ambiguous. |
11803 |
DHLSortCodeLookupError |
Failed to retrieve DHL Sort code: {DHL sortcode API error message}. |
12001 |
PurchaseTooSmall |
Buy transaction must be greater than $10.00. |
12002 |
IndiciumValueZero |
Indicium value is zero. |
12003 |
VpoTransactionFailed |
VPO transaction failed ({Status Codes}): {Description} |
12004 |
VpoAdminCallFailed |
VPO Admin Transaction failed ({Status Codes}): {Description} |
12100 |
UnknownPostageTransactionError |
The Postage Transaction has returned an unknown error. |
12101 |
AccountNotFound |
The Certified Intermediary’s account number is invalid. |
12103 |
InactiveAccount |
The Certified Intermediary’s account is not active. |
12104 |
InsufficientFunds1 |
The Certified Intermediary’s account does not have enough postage balance to support this transaction. |
12115 |
IndiciumMaxExceeded |
The indicium postage requested exceeds the account’s limit |
12116 |
InvalidCreditCard |
Invalid credit card on account. |
12117 |
InvalidCCExpiration |
The account credit card’s expiration date has passed |
12118 |
InvalidPurchaseAmountLow |
The purchase amount is too low. |
12119 |
InvalidPurchaseAmountHigh |
The purchase amount exceeds the account’s purchase limit. |
12120 |
CreditCardFailed |
The credit card transaction failed. |
12121 |
PurchaseUpdateFailed |
The update to the account with the credit card information failed. |
12124 |
DatabaseFailure |
General database error |
12125 |
InvalidRequest |
The XML Request type is not recognized |
12128 |
InvalidCCDeclined |
The credit card purchase was declined by the customer’s bank. |
12129 |
InvalidCCReferred |
The credit card purchase was “referred” by the customer’s bank. Contact the bank. |
12130 |
Unavailable |
The Postage Server is unavailable. |
12131 |
InvalidCCAddress |
The address on the credit card is invalid. |
12132 |
CCUnavailable |
The credit card processing is unavailable. |
12133 |
Locked |
The account is locked (possibly in use). |
12134 |
AccountHoldFailed |
The request to hold the account for a transaction failed. |
12135 |
InternetAccessFailure |
Internet access/communication failure. |
12136 |
AccountIsBusy |
Account is busy. |
12144 |
InvalidPartnerCustomerId |
PartnerCustomerID is missing or Invalid. |
12201 |
XmlParseError |
The XML request cannot be parsed for all required elements. The description provides details on the problem item. |
12500 |
KeyMacCheckFailed |
The key on the account has been tampered with and no transactions are allowed. |
12502 |
NegativeDollarIndiciumRequest |
Indicium requests must be positive. |
12503 |
InsufficientFunds2 |
There is not enough money in the account to produce the indicium. |
12505 |
AccountMacFailed |
The account information has been tampered with and no transactions are allowed. |
12507 |
IncorrectPassPhrase |
The Certified Intermediary’s Pass Phrase is incorrect. |
12508 |
IncorrectEmail |
The email provided is incorrect. |
12509 |
IncorrectChallengeAnswer |
The challenge answer provided is incorrect. |
12514 |
ReplayDetected |
The system has detected a duplicate request for postage. |
12515 |
AccountMacCheckFailed |
The account information has been tampered with and no transactions are allowed. |
12525 |
AccountSuspended |
The account has been suspended and no transactions are allowed. |
12669 |
PassPhraseReused |
The new Pass Phrase cannot match up to the four previously used Pass Phrases. |
13001 |
ConfirmReceiptFailed |
Internal Error: Confirm Receipt transaction failed for label number {0}. |
16000 |
PackagePickupAPIError |
Package Pickup API error: {0} |
16001 |
FailedCancelingPackagePickup |
Failed Canceling Package Pickup: {0} |
16002 |
InvalidPackagePickupConfirmation |
The package pickup with confirmation number {0} does not exist or has been cancelled. |
22000 |
InvalidDHLGMProduct |
Invalid DHLGM International product specified in the MailClass element. |
22001 |
DestinationCountryNotAllowed |
Destination country is not allowed for specified product. |
22002 |
MaximumWeightExceeded |
Maximum weight exceeded for specified product. |
22003 |
DimensionsNotSpecified |
Dimensions not specified in the MailpieceDimensions data element. |
22004 |
MaximumLengthExceeded |
Maximum length exceeded for specified product |
22005 |
LengthNotSpecified |
Length not specified in the MailpieceDimensions data element. |
22006 |
HeightNotSpecified |
Height not specified in the MailpieceDimensions data element. |
22007 |
WidthNotSpecified |
Width not specified in the MailpieceDimensions data element. |
22008 |
WeightNotSpecified |
Weight not specified in the WeightOz data element. |
22009 |
MaximumCombinedDimensionsExceeded |
Maximum combined dimensions exceeded for specified product. |
22010 |
DestinationCountryNotSpecified |
Destination country not specified in the ToCountryCode data element. |
22011 |
InvalidAccount |
Account credentials not specified. |
22012 |
AccountNotEnabledForDHLGM |
Account not enabled for DHLGM International. |
22014 |
MaximumCommodityValueForCountryExceeded |
Maximum commodity value exceeded for destination country. |
22015 |
ElementMissing |
Missing data element: {0} |
22016 |
InvalidShipDate |
Invalid data specified in ShipDate element |
22017 |
InvalidWeight |
WeightOz data element cannot be zero. |
22018 |
InvalidCustomsData |
Invalid data specified in the CustomsInfo element, or CustomsInfo not allowed for product. |
22019 |
CustomsItemsLimitExceeded |
Too many customs items specified. |
22020 |
NoCustomsItemsSpecified |
No customs items specified. |
22021 |
InvalidCustomsItem |
Invalid customs item. Item description: {0} |
22022 |
CustomsWeightExceedsPackageWeight |
The combined weight of the customs items cannot exceed the value in the WeightOz data element. |
22023 |
DestinationCountryCodeNotFound |
Could not find country information for specified country code: {0} |
22024 |
StateMissing |
ToState is required for destination country {0} |
22025 |
PostalCodeMissing |
Postal Code is required for destination country {0} |
22026 |
PhoneRequiredForParcelDirect |
ToPhone is required when using GlobalMail Parcel Direct |
22027 |
PhoneNumberTooLong |
Phone Number for destination country {0} cannot exceed {1} |
22028 |
HSTariffNumberRequired |
HS Tariff Number is required for each customs item for destination country {0} |
22029 |
ItemCodeTooLong |
The item code for customs element with description {0} is too long. The limit is 20 characters |
22030 |
DescriptionTooLong |
The customs item description is limited to 50 characters. The following description is too long {0} |
22031 |
InvalidState |
The specified state {1} is invalid for specified country {0} |
22032 |
AccountNotAuthorizedForService |
Account not authorized for requested service: {0} |
22033 |
ErrorGeneratingLabel |
There was an error when generating the label |
60002 |
InternalLabelServiceError |
Internal Endicia Label Server Web Service Error: {Error Message} |
60003 |
InvalidSoapRequestFormat |
The format of the SOAP request is invalid. |
60105 |
FailedCreatingPostageLabel |
Failed to create postage label. |
60106 |
FailedCreatingCustomsForm |
Failed to create customs form. |
60107 |
StampLabelNotAllowedForWebMethod |
A label of type Stamp cannot be created with this web method. |
60108 |
StampRequestNotProcessed |
Stamp request not processed (account not charged). |
60109 |
StampRequestNotPrinted |
Stamp request not printed. Account charged but postage not printable. |
60110 |
LabelNotAllowedForOfficialMail |
Label is not allowed for official mail. |
60111 |
ClientNotAuthorizedForWebMethod |
Client is not authorized to invoke this web method. |
60112 |
FailedCreatingSCANForm |
Failed to create SCAN form. |
60113 |
NoShipmentsAddedToSCANForm |
No shipments were added to the SCAN form. |
60115 |
FailedCreatingPackagePickup |
Failed to create the package pickup: {0} |
60116 |
NotEnoughShipmentsForPickup |
Not enough shipments for package pickup. |
60118 |
TransactionsDateSpanTooLarge |
Transactions date span cannot be greater than 7 days. |
60119 |
FailedRetrievingTransactions |
Failed retrieving transactions. {0} |
60120 |
FailedRetrievingPackageStatus |
Failed to retrieve Package Status. |
60121 |
FailedReadingInsuranceRate |
Failed to read insurance rate: {0} |
60200 |
SCANFormNotFound |
SCAN form could not be found. |
60201 |
AccountNotQualifiedForPricing |
Account #{Account Number} is not qualified for {Mail Class} {Pricing} pricing. |
60202 |
AccountNotAuthorizedForWebMethod |
Account #{0} is not authorized to invoke this Web method. |
60501 |
NoPostageRatesCalculated |
No postage rates calculated. |
60502 |
FailedCalculatingPostageRates |
Error calculating postage rates for one or more mail classes: {0} |
60505 |
FailedToCreateAccount |
Failed to create account. {0} |
60506 |
ContractIdNotValid |
One or more Contract ID(s) are invalid. |
60507 |
PartnerNotAllowedForZeroPostageStamps |
Partner - {0} is not allowed to print Zero Postage Stamps. |
60508 |
AccountNotQualifiedForELS |
This account is not qualified to access Endicia Label Server. Please contact Endicia customer support at (650) 321 2640 x130 or labelserver@endicia.com. |
60510 |
NoMailPiecesToManifest |
60511 |
ValidationCompareDifference |
60512 |
PhysicalAddressNotFound |
Physical Address Does Not Exist. |
60513 |
MailingAddressNotFound |
Mailing Address Does Not Exist. |
60514 |
CreditCardAddressNotFound |
Credit Card Address Does Not Exist. |
60515 |
ContractTypeAlreadyExistsForAccount |
60519 |
EPRCustomFormLabelNotAllowed |
Endicia Pay-on-Use Return labels are not available for this address |
61001 |
MissingKeyInWebConfig |
Missing {0} key in web.config file. |
61002 |
InvalidWebConfigValue |
Invalid value for {0} key in web.config file: {1} |
61003 |
MissingConnectionStringSettings |
Missing connection string settings for {0} in web.config file. |
61103 |
InvalidColumnInTable |
Invalid column {0} in {1} table at row #{2}. |
61106 |
CountryCodeDoesNotExist |
The specified country code does not exist: {0}. |
61110 |
InvalidRestrictionCodeArgument |
Restriction Code cannot be null or empty. |
61111 |
InvalidRestrictionCodesArgument |
Restriction Codes cannot be null or empty. |
61112 |
InvalidRestrictionCodesValue |
Restriction Codes is not valid: {0} |
61113 |
RestrictionCodeDoesNotExist |
The specified restriction code does not exist: {0}. |
61501 |
InvalidAccountID |
Account ID {0} is invalid. |
61502 |
WeightExceedsUspsMaximum |
Weight must be 70 pounds (1120 ounces) or less. |
61503 |
WeightExceedsLimitForMailService |
Weight is limited to {0} ounces or less for selected mail service. |
61510 |
InvalidLabelDate |
Label date {0} is invalid. |
61511 |
LabelDateOutOfRange |
Ship date must be within the next {0} days. |
61520 |
DeclaredValueMustBePositive |
Declared Value must be greater than $0.00. |
61521 |
DeclaredValueExceedsMaximum |
Declared value exceeds the {0} maximum allowed for {1}. |
61530 |
NameOrCompanyNameRequired |
{0}'s name or company name is required. |
61531 |
NoDeliveryAddressLines |
{0}'s address must contain at least one delivery address line. |
61550 |
NoCustomsInfo |
Customs Info is required for an international mailpiece. |
61552 |
CustomsItemsExceedLimit |
Customs Info cannot contain more than {0} customs items. |
61554 |
InvalidCustomsItemQuantity |
{0} must be a positive numeric value 999999999 or less. |
61555 |
InvalidCustomsItemWeight |
{0} must be a positive numeric value 1120 or less. |
61556 |
InvalidCustomsItemValue |
{0} must be a positive numeric value 99999.99 or less. |
61557 |
TotalCustomsValueExceedsLimit |
Total customs value cannot exceed {0} for {1}. |
61559 |
InvalidNumberCounterMax |
Number Counter Max must be greater than 0. |
61560 |
InvalidNumberCounter |
{0} doesn't exist. |
61601 |
WeightExceedsLimitForMailServiceCountry |
Weight is limited to {0} ounces or less for selected mail service to destination country (Country Code: {1}). |
61602 |
WeightExceedsLimitForContainer |
Weight is limited to {0} ounces or less for {1}. |
61604 |
OnlinePostageNotAllowedToCountry |
Online postage is not allowed for selected mail service to destination country (Country Code: {0}). |
61701 |
InvalidAccountIDConfirm |
Wrong Account ID |
61703 |
InvalidMailType |
Wrong mail type |
61704 |
InvalidFromZipCode |
Wrong sender ZIPCode |
61705 |
InvalidToZipCode |
Wrong addressee ZIPCode |
61706 |
InvalidWeight |
Weight not authorized |
61801 |
LabelNumberRequestNotValidated |
{0} has not been validated. |
61802 |
LabelNumberServiceIsBusy |
The Label Number Service is busy. |
61803 |
FailedOpeningDatabaseConnection1 |
Failed opening database connection. |
61804 |
FailedOpeningDatabaseConnection2 |
Failed opening database connection ({0}). |
61805 |
InvalidMailerID |
Invalid mailer ID: {0}. |
61820 |
DatabaseOperationTimedOut |
Database operation timed out in {0}. |
61821 |
DatabaseError |
A database error has occured in {0} ({1}). |
61901 |
InvalidIdentity |
Invalid services selected for the transaction: {0}. |
61902 |
MailClassNotSupportedForServiceType |
Mail Class ({0}) cannot be used with Service Type of {1}. |
61903 |
InvalidInputForCheckDigit |
Number {0} is not valid for calculating check digit. |
61904 |
FailedBuildingLabelNumber |
Failed building label number for identity {0} in {1}. |
61905 |
FailedCalculatingCheckDigit |
Failed calculating check digit for Sequential Package ID {0}. |
61906 |
FailedUpdatingLabelNumberTable |
Failed updating {0} for label number {1} in {2}. |
61907 |
FailedInsertingCustomsDeclarationRecord |
Failed adding record to Customs Declaration table for label number {0} in {1}. |
61908 |
FailedInsertingCustomsItemRecord |
Failed adding record to Customs Items table for Customs Declaration ID {0}, Item Number {1} in {2}. |
61909 |
FailedInsertingCustomsUploadRecord |
Failed adding record to Customs Upload table for Customs Declaration ID {0} in {1}. |
61910 |
InvalidContentsType |
Invalid contents type: {0} |
61911 |
MaxExtraServiceCodeCountExceeded |
The number of extra service codes exceeds what system can support. |
61912 |
FailedInsertingChannelType |
Failed inserting channel type {0}. |
63008 |
InvalidCreditCardCountryCode |
Invalid credit card country code |
63009 |
InvalidCCPaymentInfo |
Unable to verify payment information. |
63010 |
UnableToVerifyCCPaymentInfo |
Invalid payment information. Please check and try again. |
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